Office of
International Services

Welcome to CBNU,


As a Dean of the Office of International Affairs(OIA), it is my honor to welcome you to Chungbuk National University(CBNU).



CBNU holds great prestige and rich culture cultivated through its long history since 1951. Located in the center of South Korea, CBNU is in a prime location for visiting different landmarks and experiencing diverse Korean cultures and traditions. Joining us at CBNU will be a life-changing opportunity for you as a student in South Korea.


With professionals in all fields, undergraduate and graduate programs at CBNU are sure to lead students to a successful future. With the guidance of our excellent faculty as well as staff in addition to the best educational environment and technology, all students will gain a wealth of knowledge and life experience here at CBNU.


Furthermore, as part of our globalization goals, it is also our pleasure to cooperate in enabling our Korean students to study abroad. We pride ourselves on having multicultural student communities and providing every student to learn more about life in different countries and cultures.


Our experienced team has been helping with the incoming and outgoing efforts of students and will continue to do so in the future. Do not hesitate in reaching out to us to help you start your international journey.


As the leader of the OIA, I would like to warmly welcome you to join us at CBNU to expand your view of possibilities, enhance your university experience and continue to help us cultivate our rich history together.


Best regards,


Dr. Prof. Tae-Soo You

Dean of the Office of International Affairs

Chungbuk National University

Cheongju, Republic of Korea


Greetings from
Office of International Affairs (OIA)
