Office of
International Services

Chungbuk National University is looking for talented students and future researchers from all corners of the world to join this premier institution for higher education at the academic hub of Korea. For both undergraduates and graduate students, CBNU offers a high quality education and a wealth of extraordinary opportunities that only CBNU can offer. 

Reasons to come to CBNU

CBNU pursues its vision of becoming a truly glocal university, with a strong emphasis on diversity and international community on campus. It fosters international collaborations and has academic exchange agreements with around 300 universities and research institutes worldwide. It also offers dual & joint degree programs in partnership with universities all over the world.


To assist its international students, CBNU has an Office of International Services(OIS). It also provides various scholarships to international students and is set to increase its financial support in the near future. Unique and exciting classes at CBNU are taught in English and the number is steadily increasing.

However, the most important reason to come to CBNU is to be a part of this remarkable institution as it makes a transition into the next chapter as glocal institution in every sense of the word. Here are a few more.


A Tradition of Excellence

Since its foundation in 1951, Chungbuk National University has been the undisputed leader of higher education in Korean and has established a glocal reputation. Its graduates have long served as leaders in Korean society and in the international community.